“Neolamprologus Multifasciatus”
You will receive young fish bred by me, ready for your aquarium
These amazing small but feisty cichlids are from Lake Tanganyika. Where they inhabit deep water around the shoreline of the lake. These areas are characterised by soft substrates, where the empty shells of snails collect and build themselves an empire of shells for their colony.
- Sizes – Males 4.5cm and females 3.5cm
- Hard water with a high PH of 7.5 – 9
- Temperature 24 – 27C
Sold unsexed, they are unable to be sexed while sub-adult size, however once fully grown the adult male is much larger.
To set up a Neolamprologus Multifasciatus aquarium you will need
- Tank 40cm x 30cm x 30cm for a pair or larger for a group
- Empty snail shells, 2 or 3 per fish – I use escargot shells
- Soft sandy substrate needs to be thick as they like to dig – I use fine aragonite sand and it helps to keep the water buffered to 8.2
- Texas holey rock – Optional however it helps to buffer the water and provide line of sight block
- Plants – Optional extras but appreciated by the fish, I float hornwort and have Java fern on the Texas holey rock, Vallisneria should also thrive
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