CONGRATULATIONS on your new pet snake! Snakes are unique pets. Here is a simple guide with some facts and instructions on how to care properly for your snake.

LIFE SPAN: Depending on the species of snake, e.g. Corn snakes and King snakes are between 10 – 15 years, ball pythons and boas between 20 – 30 years.

NATURE: Snakes are generally docile and calm reptiles, if handled and cared for correctly. Some species can grow quite large as adults so handling may become difficult. They are equally active during the day and at night. They are mostly solitary creatures and do not need company.

DIET: Depending on the size of the snake, pinky to adult mice (preferably frozen bought), rats, rabbits, and other suitable rodents. They generally eat weekly depending on the season, they eat less frequently during colder months. Try not to feed snake in the tank as this may create confusion and cause the snake to strike whenever the tank is opened.

HABITAT: Snakes need a suitable size tank with clean substrate such as wood chips, kenaf, corn cob, sand or mosses. They will need a hide, as well as a bowl for water. Rocks, branches and other suitable décor can be added to their tank. A light and heating pad inside the tank will help regulate the snake’s body temperature and keep the snake’s enclosure humid for optimal shedding. Snakes will also not eat well if their body temperature is too low, causing them to feel sluggish and have poor digestion of food.

CARE: Snake tanks should be cleaned weekly to avoid the smell and accumulation of decaying food. Fresh substrate should be used and the tank should be rinsed with a weak bleach and water or F10 solution. Clean water should be available at all times.


When handling your snake be gentle and calm. Avoid sudden movements. Ensure the tank is properly secured as snakes are great escape artists.

Some snakes enjoy immersing themselves in water, so a big enough water bowl should be provided. There are various shedding assist and mite products available should your snake show signs of skin irritation.

If at any time your snake looks unwell or is not eating for extended periods or drinking, a vet can assist you in diagnosing what could be the problem. They are in general quite easy to keep and take care of.


Enjoy your new pet and be kind!

~Author: Chene Bush