CONGRATULATIONS on your new pet bearded dragon! Bearded Dragons are unique pets. Here is a simple guide with some facts and instructions on how to care properly for your bearded dragon.

LIFE SPAN: Between 10 – 15 years.

NATURE: Bearded dragons are generally docile and calm reptiles, if handled and cared for correctly. They are mostly solitary creatures and do not need company. They can become very social and attached to owners once trust and a bond has been established.

DIET: Bearded dragons eat insects such as mealworms, crickets and roaches, as well as vegetables such as carrots, grated butternut, rocket, spinach, etc. There are also a variety of food gels and pellets specifically made for bearded dragons. Calcium powder should also be sprinkled over food. A bowl of water is also necessary for hydration.

HABITAT: Bearded dragons need a suitable size tank with clean sand or artificial turf carpeting. They will need a hide, as well as a bowl for water. Rocks, branches and other suitable décor can be added to their tank. A UV light and heating pad inside the tank will help regulate the dragon’s body temperature and keep the dragon’s enclosure humid for optimal shedding. UV lighting is essential to avoid metabolic bone disease.

CARE: Bearded dragon tanks should be cleaned weekly to avoid the smell and accumulation of decaying food. Fresh substrate should be used and the tank should be rinsed with a weak bleach and water or F10 solution. Clean water should be available at all times.


When handling your bearded dragon be gentle and calm.

There are various shedding assist and mite products available should your dragon show signs of skin irritation.


If at any time your bearded dragon looks unwell or is not eating for extended periods or drinking, a vet can assist you in diagnosing what could be the problem. They are in general quite easy to keep and take care of.


Enjoy your new pet and be kind!

~Author: Chene Bush 2021

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