These cones are very similar to Alder Cones and Indian Almond Leaves and act in a similar way. The cones are beneficial to shrimp, bettas, Apistogrammas and Corydoras species for their healing properties and ability to lower the pH.
Key Features:
- Larger cones for better hiding places for baby shrimp or fish
- Provides Natural Food Source for Ornamental Shrimp
- Releases Tannin into the water which contains Healing Properties
- Lowers the pH slightly
- Anti-fungal Properties to help fight off Infection
- Creates Additional Hiding Places to Reduce Stress of baby Shrimp
Click for all Cones at Rebel Pets.
Add boiling water and soak till water logged. Rinse!
Add 1-2 Cones for every 5l and then add more over a period of time.
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